"Be Kind, I'm Grieving" Button by Cole Imperi


In Victorian times, grieving people dressed differently. Men used to tie black strips of fabric around their upper arms and women’s attire, of course, was completely different, starting with gowns of all black fabric, will social tolerance for gray dresses as the mourning period continued. Modern bereavement experts now believe that announcing your loss isn’t such a terrible idea. When a death hits us hard, we needn’t try to carry on as if it’s just another normal day. Enter the grieving button. There are several styles out there. This one is designed and sold by thanatologist, death educator Cole Imperi and it sells for $2 plus shipping costs. Bulk orders for funeral families are also possible. Wear your grief and help others process their own difficult experiences. You may get just as many “Me too”s as you will get compassionate responses. Sure with social distancing, not everyone will see it. You can pin it prominently on your shoulder for all your Zoom conferences!

Amy Cunningham